Saturday, February 18, 2017

John McCain was very brave (was)

We all know John McCain's past, his bravery and honor as a POW. And we even recall pre-2008 when he was the "maverick" of his party. 

But those days are long gone. 

Yes, fine, McCain is pushing back against Trump. But should we really pat him on the back so hard? Should the kid who returns a stolen wallet get a big reward? (as opposed to just doing the right thing, needing no reward)  I mean my god, the fact we applaud any Republican to state the obvious versus this nutcase in the White House is really telling about the GOP! McCain is great because he says the emperor is naked?! Sheesh. It's not that McCain is "brave" (please!), rather that most other Republicans are craven, partisan-blind and afraid of Trump.

But the sadder fact is there was a time when McCain carried much influence in the GOP -- those days are long gone. He's instead treated as that once mighty lion who is now old and must leave the pride and wander off alone. His window of influence has closed. Oh sure, TV news shows love to have him on, still, but within DC he's near DOA. 

So way to go McCain! At his peak, he picked a female Trump (narcissistic dim-bulb) from Alaska as VP and flamed out, deservedly. He once believed in global warming, then switched sides to appease his f*cked-up party. I do sort of feel sorry for him, what reasonable person can have real influence in that asylum?

And frankly, given how much he has flipped from his "maverick" pre-2008 self, he has not done NEARLY enough to redeem himself....

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